Fondazione Don Gnocchi and EPR are organizing a webinar on April 13th, 9:00 – 12:00, entitled „Assistive Technology: Developments, Good Practices and Funds„.
The event is aimed to raise awareness on the topic of assistive technologies, to present the latest developments in the sector, the good practices in service-provision and the financing opportunities. Additionally, the goal is to connect possible partners for future projects and explore topics for future EPR activities on the subject of AT.
The event will investigate the topic of assistive technology in its different aspects:
– A representative of the W.H.O. will illustrate their position on Assistive Technology
– The SIVA and EASTIN platform will be presented
– EPR members will share their good practices
– A representative of the European Commission will offer a focus on funding opportunities for Assistive Technology in the period 2021-2027.
Find more information about the programme and how to register here.