The innovation platform AAL AUSTRIA is aiming to foster the communication and collaboration among stakeholders in the AAL field such as research organizations, companies and care organisations as well as public institutions. AAL AUSTRIA intends to build a vibrant AAL community and to disseminate AAL relevant information, share experience among stakeholders and therefore increase its visibility on various levels of public perception.

AAL AUSTRIA is a non-profit organization that was founded in April 2012 as an initiative of the Federal Ministry of the Republic of Austria for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK).


  • Establishing recommendations and guidelines
  • Organising events, workshops, panels etc.
  • Collecting and publishing information material
  • Raising awareness and public relations
  • Offering guidance for members and stakeholders
  • Supporting promotion and development in the field of AAL
  • Enhancing connections between AAL members


AAL AUSTRIA is constantly extending and adjusting its offers for members. In addition to the individual support of its members in all AAL-related topics, AAL AUSTRIA offers a variety of activities for its members.

Besides organizing and taking part in various events and workshops as well as displaying Austrian and European AAL-projects in the AAL-Projektdatenbank, AAL AUSTRIA is offering members to present their company and their AAL-solutions under the brand of “AAL made in AUSTRIA”.

In addition to that, the platform is publishing a monthly newsletter in order to keep its members updated on the latest news and activities. Also included in the newsletter is the event calendar that displays all upcoming AAL-related events.


Moreover, the recently implemented AAL Success Stories, which are presenting successful realizations of AAL-solutions in practice, are published in the newsletter. In addition to a German version, the AAL Success Story can now also be published in English. The first English version of a Success Story was recently created with DigitAAL Life (DIGITAAL life – Practice makes life perfect!).

If you are interested in publishing YOUR Success Story, please send your request to martin.morandell@aal.at.


AAL (Active and Assisted Living) refers to age-based assistive technologies that are supporting older adults and their carers. This includes concepts, products and services that are connecting innovative technologies with the social environment in order to increase quality of life for older people and support a healthy, active and independent lifestyle.

AAL technologies must fulfill the growing comfort and security needs but at the same time enhance communication with friends and family and contribute to a better integration of older adults in their social environment.